Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Analysis of the tale of Eros and Psyche

If myths are a way of telling about the great mysteries of the world, then it should come as no surprise that there are myths that revolve around love. A force that could be considered on par with any one of the great forces of nature. An unpredictable and illogical force of nature at that. THe tale of Eros (aka Cupid) and Psyche mainly revolves around the details of love, trust, forgiveness and love's willingness to go to the ends of the earth to be with the one you love.
Love is a curious thing. It can strike unexpectedly and without warning. Or not strike where you would think it would obviously strike. Like in the beginning of the story. We are introduced to Psyche. The most beautiful of 3 daughters to a great king. Yet despite her beauty and station, she remains unmarried. This could represent that beauty alone does not lead to love. It could even represent Psyche as a beauty so beautiful that all possible suitors consider her out of reach. Making Psyche a rather lonely beauty. Something that could possibly be common today like at a dance or asking a girl out for a date.
Perhaps this is because it is natural for some things to seem unattainable to us all. Like some instinct or human perception ingrained in our minds. Or it could just be that some people are just irrvocably shy.
Moving on to the next part of the story. The relationship between love and trust. When Eros finds that Psyche did not 100% trust him, he fled saying "love cannot live where there is no trust." This is true. At least to an extent. Trust is very much a part of love. It can be kind of scary to think that something so necessary to human nature can revolve around something so fragile as trust. For trust is usually a very fragile thing. It can splinter and crack easily and once broken, can be very hared to repair. Even if it is repaired there is no guarantee that it will be as strong as it once was.
But even so, trust is a part of what makes love special and all the more precious. People have some trouble trusting others. It is a part of human nature. Leading all the way to fears of rejection and betrayal.
I suppose it hurts when you are betrayed by someone who you've let into your heart. It must be painful as evidenced by Eros' flight from the house when Psyche did not believe in him. This leads into the next topic.
After Eros left her, Psyche went on a journey to win Eros' forgiveness. She was truly sorry she doubted him and went through many dangerous trials with just the hope and wish of only to see him again. Many would think going through all those tasks just to see someone would be sheer foolishness. But as the quote goes, "love makes fools of us all."
Eventually, Eros wanted to see Psyche as well. He found her and according to the story, berated her for a little bit. But he had forgiven her the moment he saw her again. That quality is another thing love is unique for, being able to forgive. For love cannot truly live without forgiveness to sustain it through the difficult times. That is what I believe.
So ends what could be considered as one of the worlds first chick flicks.
After all we got romance, plotting in laws,comedy.
And all in all its a bit sappy as well.
But I guess thats just a bit like love I guess.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Unity and love

This is a picture I made using power point. I made it after reading the tale of Eros and Psyche. The triangle with the male and female symbols meeting at the Yin Yang symbolize opposites united in a cosmic scale. The broken heart is mostly just for effect because Eros and Psyche is a love story.

Friday, October 24, 2008

14 Mythological definitions.

Myth: From the Greek Mythos, meaning story. A myth can be described, as many things but are most often a story to explain the world around people. One such story is the myth of Demeter and Persephone.
This myth is also a story that explains how and why we have different seasons.
Hero: A hero is often the focus of most myths. In these myths the hero is usually a force of change in the world. One who brings something new. A good example of such a hero in mythology would be the Greek, Theseus.
Hero Journey: The journey is often a cycle that applies to hero myths. Much like the introduction, climax and resolution of a storybook. The cycle consists of around twelve events, the main events being call to adventure, ultimate battle and resolution.
Universal: To be universal is to regard everything as just one thing. Something that is universal pertains to all.
Archetype: An archetype is a certain model of something. Archetypes appear all the time in mythology, from hero archetypes to creation archetypes. One such example of a hero archetype would be the trickster. Like the African Spider god Anansi.
Cyclical: As in a cycle. Like the cycle of the seasons.

Life out of Death: The concept that life thrives off of or is sustained by death. The Chinese creation myth of Pan Gu is a good example of this concept.

Sacrifice: When the hero needs to give up or let go of something he wants for the good of the people. An example could be when Heracles sacrificed his freedom to perform his twelve labors.
Duality: Duality refers to the relationship of opposites. Forever opposed yet forever united. The Chinese concept of the Yin Yang explains this relationship very well.
Creation: The story of how everything came into being. The beginning of life and the universe.
Patriarchal: Centering around the male. Male dominated.
Matriarchal: Centered around the female. Female dominated.
Creation: How everything began. How the world came into being.
Cosmology: Study of the stars and the cosmos. Ancient form of astronomy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mythology as a source of Philosophical insperation.

To all you aspiring Aristotles and Socrates out there, have you run out of interesting thoughts? Do you feel as though you've run out of things to inspire you to think? Well then one does not need to wait a century for new issues to be brought up, one need only look to the past for interesting issues to get ones brain working.
Look toward mythology my good philosophers. Myths were originally created to explain the world around us. So why not look toward it for clues as to why things are? Why not challenge the concepts behind myths? Why not use mythology as a possible path to truth?
I do not say that mythology is THE path to truth. There are many paths to an equal amount of truths. But even so, it is A path. And paths are meant to be traveled.